👤 About

Hi! I'm Nicolas and welcome to my site.Let me present myself: I'm an Italian 27-year-old whose aim is to accomplish remarkable things in the ageing field, ultimately trying to catalyse a pivotal change in how we experience our journey on this flying grain of sand. This will be accomplished with the help of my grit, unabating work ethic and insatiable curiosity, forever chasing improvement in myself and in all my present and future travel buddies.

💭 interests

I simply love life and I want to extend this journey as much as possible. To me, a good life is defined by the function of its length and its enjoyability, and I find optimal health to be a major stakeholder when it comes to both. This idea renders me interested in basically any strategy, practice, molecule or piece of information that could help prevent (or revert) the appearance of age-related phenotypes while also optimizing human health beyond what is presently considered "normal".On the side, I like to talk about human psychology and (absurd?) behaviours, morality, politics (!), new technologies, anime and videogames!

đŸ”Ŧ current work

Formal academic education

The closest, more affirmed branch of medical science that interests me and the one I decided to get a degree in, is nutrition as I find it to be the most interesting "big rock". Therefore, after a Bachelor's in biology at the University of Camerino and an Erasmus+ for study at Ulster University. In August 2022, I started a two-year master's degree in Nutrition Science at the Karolinska Institute.I already passed all the exams of this programme and I'll graduate in June 2024 (check my full CV below to know my path).

<h1> <h1> <h1> nicolas nicolas nicolas di leo di leo di leo researcher researcher researcher integrated integrated integrated health health health consultant consultant consultant <title><title><title>

Scientific research

In 2021 with my Bachelor thesis, I started to work, first at the University of Copenhagen, then at the Karolinska Institute, and now at the University of Cambridge in the molecular physiology research field, specifically in basic metabolic research investigating potential therapeutic targets for cardiometabolic diseases such as diabetes and obesity (check my full CV below to know my scientific experience and output).In the next future, I will be shifting my research towards the ageing/longevity and rejuvenation fields.

<h1> <h1> <h1> nicolas nicolas nicolas di leo di leo di leo researcher researcher researcher integrated integrated integrated health health health consultant consultant consultant <title><title><title>

Other pursues

Having the power to massively impact the health of people only with the use of some knowledge enlightens me. This has led to the initiation of a side hustle in the health consulting sector, where I basically apply lifestyle/preventive medicine principles to make people live a longer, healthier, more fulfilling life.I also volunteer as a reviewer for the journal Lifestyle Medicine and I work as a writer for the Italian Nutrition and Functional Medicine school.In the future, I will immerse myself further in the longevity biotech space, determined to soon start my own venture in this field.

ℹī¸ Recent Updates

"I come from a (big) area in Italy that I would describe as an academic desert. There is no information, no hustling, no word of mouth; no one discusses opportunities, and I have never heard anyone sharing a single "successful" story. Thousands of students there are completely in the dark" //... continues on Linkedin

26th April 2024

"Couple of weeks ago I was invited (thanks Giles Yeo) to the ''Advancing the Science of Human Nutrition" conference held by The Royal Society in London.
An amazing event across the board. Great talks, astounding location/catering and appealing networking opportunities " //... continues on Linkedin

19th December 2023

"The work on-site for my master thesis, after nine months of waiting, has finally commenced here at the University of Cambridge, in the O'Rahilly's group at the Institute of Metabolic Science. Looking forward to get these hands dirty on a lot of" //... continues on Linkedin

18th September 2023

<h1> <h1> <h1> nicolas nicolas nicolas di leo di leo di leo researcher researcher researcher integrated integrated integrated health health health consultant consultant consultant <title><title><title>

📲 let's connect

If you believe I could advise you in your academic career.
If you want to submit a professional enquiry.
If you want to propose any kind of collaboration.

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August 2015
High School Diploma

Finished high school as a nerd outcaster disinterested kid, with bad grades and overweight with confidence issues and a lot of anger accumulated and fermenting inside me for various reasons, convinced that I was a good for nothing.The only thing that I could care about (a lot) were MMORPG videogames. I was extremely successful, competitive, dedicated, ambitious, thoughtful, strategic and analytic in growing my character in virtual realities ONLY.

April 2016
Started to work

For three years after high school, thanks to my dad's acquaintances I worked multiple "good" jobs, but I was not happy with my situation.Talking with other people about my occupations was not making me proud, even though they were completely respectable. I then realized this was nothing else than my (at the time buried) ambitious side fumbling in my head.

From 2016
Developed interest in fitness

During a very depressive period following a heartbreak, I started to workout in the gym. I then quickly began to study on a deep level the topics of exercise science and sports nutrition. For the first time, I was actually interested in something that was not a videogame.During this period I also started coaching friends and family members, thing that I'll continue doing sporadically in the academic years.

March 2018
What I like to call my turning point

After visiting a nutritionist because my father thought my whey proteins were anabolic steroids, where the nutritionist basically told me only things that I had learned already myself, I realized I could have done that easy and remunerative job as well, especially because it was so well-aligned with my interests at the time.Seeing that "good" professional doing something that I could have easily done already myself, sparked a light in me that had never been ON before.

October 2018
Start of my bachelor

That winter I quitted my job and signed up at a random local university (still convinced I was somewhat retarded. My mood was: "maybe I can do this if a really try hard") in order to get the piece of paper that would have allowed to legally practice as a registered dietitian.

January 2020
Realized I was not too bad

After a year and a half of very unexpected academic successes where I was acing every exam effortlessly while hundreds of students were failing or struggling, I realized I was not retarded and that I was just disinterested during high school. I also felt that if I was keen on putting in the effort and learning how to harness my attention and interest, I could have been capable of big things.During this period, my interest shifted away from the fitness niche to clinical nutrition, sleep science, ending up in the broad lifestyle medicine area.

January 2021
First "Erasmus"

All of a sudden I was a good student at my university. A very surprising position to be in! In my mind good students were those spending a period abroad; that's why I decided to apply for an Erasmus+ grant that would have allowed me to give exams outbound. I won it, but unfortunately, covid didn't allow me to depart physically. I ended up sustaining exams at the Ulster University from home.
I still had the chance to witness a new teaching method during this time.

October 2021
Second Erasmus

Not happy with how the first Erasmus went, I decided to apply a second time to the Erasmus+ grant, this time to do my bachelor thesis abroad. I won, and I managed after discouraging hurdles without any help whatsoever from anyone, to find myself a place at the University of Copenhagen in one of the best departments in the sports science field in the world.This was my first actual long period of time abroad by myself. During this time I met beautiful people and also got to know what the life of a researcher looked like.

April 2022
Bachelor graduation

After returning from Copenhagen, I graduated with the highest grade, more than 200 ECTS and a publication under my name, something no other bachelor student in my programme had ever done before.At this point the "dietitian" job was not an option anymore, I felt like I could and should have aimed much higher. So high that I should have been able to not only provide for my closest ones but also for the whole world.

August 2022
Start of my master

Following these believes, I applied for my master's at the Karolinska Institute and got accepted. During this time, to maximize the return on the (time) investment, I also further practised research in a very prestigious lab, earned my name in my second publication and met a lot more nice people.

September 2023
Master thesis

Found myself a place at the University of Cambridge for my master's thesis. Looking forward to the future!

<h1> <h1> <h1> nicolas nicolas nicolas di leo di leo di leo researcher researcher researcher integrated integrated integrated health health health consultant consultant consultant <title><title><title>

<h1> <h1> <h1> nicolas nicolas nicolas di leo di leo di leo researcher researcher researcher integrated integrated integrated health health health consultant consultant consultant <title><title><title>